Thursday 1 March 2012

Lily and Bailey

This is the lovely Lily (posh name 'Fenflyer Fine Valley') she was born on the 9th June 2006. She is a laid back lab who loves attention, people and other dogs and like a true lab she adores the water, in fact she is only really naughty around water and food and stopping her from rushing to either is almost impossible! Walks by the local river in the summer when people are picnicking are not a good idea as I tend to end up doing my manic woman impression. Lily enjoys agility although a bad hip score means we just do it for fun and only jump small jumps and don't do weaves, she regularly takes group classes and enjoys the social side of things as much as running courses.  

Meet bonkers Bailey! (posh name 'Copperwood') Bailey was born on the 7th February 2009. He isn't so laid back, he is very difficult to keep calm outside of the house and when we have visitors, he is very excitable but also anxious but he is also loyal, loving and so desperate to please that once you calm him down he is very obedient. Unfortunately he shows fear aggression when faced with dogs he doesn't know although its all bluster to get them to leave him alone! I can name almost 20 dogs that he doesn't have a problem with as he has learnt to trust them. Bailey's favourite things are balls and agility as well as people and of course Lily who he really adores. He would lick someone to within an inch of their life given the chance! Hopefully I will be able to compete with him in the agility ring in the not to distant future (if we can cross the small hurdle of jumping up at the judge to lick them before we start!) he definitely has potential and is very fast.

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